Bar fills up the entire column regardless of the percentage

Hello Looker community,
I have a column where I would like to bar to be larger or smaller according to the percentage (eg 20% small bar, 100% big bar). The issue is that if I only have one row, the bar fills up the entire column width even though the percentage-value is only 15%. Is anyone aware of a way to make it such that 15% would fill up only 15% of the column width, or atleast be smaller than the maximum width?

Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 11.37.46 AM.png

0 5 65

There's no feature in front end to manage the bar and you may have to look into chart configuration and customize it, or you can use fill in gauge visual to represent the data effectively.

We looked at the gauge plug in as an option, but it does not fit inside a column like this bar chart would. We could go in and modify the looker plug-in but personally I do not believe it would be worth it.


Here's the selected visual and changes made in the visual to avoid 100% as total percent value, you will have to edit Y axis probably or X axis based on values.

I think if you edit the Y-axis setting to default to minimum 0 and maximum 1 that should work.

Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 22.49.13.png

Weird I do not get these options for formatting? I get the attached screenshot as my options. I will specify that these column charts are a column inside of a table so maybe this is what accounts for our differences? What are the settings you are using?

Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 1.22.10 PM.png

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