Download to excel or csv empty

I'm encountering an issue where, despite having data in a chart, the CSV file sometimes downloads as empty. Other times, it downloads correctly with the data. Has anyone else experienced this problem or have any insights into what might be causing it? I've tried clearing the cache, refreshing the page, and rebuilding the PDTs, but the issue persists.

Download options:

With visualizations options applied
Data values
Unformatted (no rounding, special characters, etc.)

Number of rows and columns to include
All results


It might be a bug; you can contact Looker and suggest the changes or report the problem to the team.

This issue is only happening when i choose custom or all results, do you have any confirmation from a Staff member that is this a bug?

Pardon me, I thought youre talking about looker alone.
In looker its either the data modeling is incorrect or the potential bug for data not being able to get download properly.

Yes, I am talking about looker alone, I have the chart with normal data: screenshot below



When I download this data and I put download all results or custom when asked about Number of rows and columns to include as CSV, the file is empty when I have data on the chart!

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