How to create a filter on one specific metric in a table?

I have a table with multiple metrics and would like to create a filter only for the Event Count metric but when I do, it alters the other metrics. For example I need to create a filter where Event Name=form_submit and that would be the Event Count number and I need all of the metrics to not use that filter. I am a novice user and will need step by step instructions please.



Thank you!!

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Hey there!

Generally speaking, a filter will affect the entire chart. So, one way you can work around this is by creating a new chart with Event Count, and then filtering on that new chart.

If you want a filter to just affect one metric, you'll need to edit the metric definition. Or, to avoid altering others' work, create a new calculated field. If you wanted this to have a static filter of Event Name=form_submit, you could create a new count field with syntax like this: COUNT(IF("Event Name"="form_submit",1,null))

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