Total of column is coming wrong. We need to do calculation first row wise then make sum of values

Hi team,

We have a use case where we are multiplying three columns and show the outcome. Problem here is we need to do the multiplication by row and then add the total but what is happening first column total is happening then multiplication is happening.

ColumnAColumn BColumn C Multiplication result Row wise(A*B*C)
10.725 17.5
10.315 4.5
10.227 5.4
10.07179 12.53
100 0
100 0
100 0
100 0
100 0
100 0
100 0
100 0
100 0
100 0
100 0
100 0
100 0
171.27246Sum of Column (Multiplication result(A*B*C))39.93
Output of (17*1.27*246)    

We are expecting 39.93 as result but result is coming 5311 because looker first making sum of entire column then multiplying the results.

Question is how to do multiplication or calculation first row wise then make total or sum

0 1 49


If I understood correctly, you would like to have the result column to have the calculation instead of having the actual sum correct?

The sum is working as expected, i.e. it is adding the sum of each of the columns. One way that you can go about it, is by creating running total columns to keep the sum and then apply the multiplication result, playing around hiding the columns you don't want to see. 

Hope that helps 🙂

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