Transpose doesn't honour the order of columns

Two great things came to Looker last year: transpose and ability to change the order of column in next-table visualisation to allow us to move table calculations to a different place.

Unfortunately when using Transpose, the order is not preserved.

This is what it looks like now:

and this is what the order looks like after transposition:


As you can tell the Posted Booked Rooms go back to the third place .

When you re-run the query the measures that have been moved are honoured by transpose but the table calculations, unofortunately, are ignored. It would be nice to check it.

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Just wondering if this has been looked at? The “new” table visualisation is our new default and yet this isn’t working correctly

Just commenting to follow up if there has been any updates on this feature.

New Member

I came across the exact same problem.
I transposed my table as well and I’d like to have the correct order of the rows no.

Is there a solution?


I wonder if doing something like this could be a solution for now:


One transpose button vs changing codebas and creating dimension, table calculations, etc. If you don’t have a Developer privileges on your instance, you won’t be able to do it anyway. Not to mention people who just want to click a button like they can in Excel, won’t be able to do all that.. 

I just learned to live without it or with all table calculations at the bottom.. 

I definitely agree with that, and it’s not a complete solution.

It may be worth doing in a couple of cases if transposing is absolutely necessary.

New Member

@Dawid What I did now is making a calculated field out of each and every single field of my table, because those you can adjust and their order will be maintained also after transposing.

Then “Hide from Visualization” all normal columns.

Super annoying but fortunately does the job.

I’m glad it does! Hopefully this will be looked at because it’s very much needed!

New Member

Yes, I agree, there is a need for a solution from Looker!
Workaround works find in some cases but it is no longterm solution.

I’m having similar issues and it’s creating an unprofessional experience for our sales team trying to export a report for our suppliers. The columns when pivoted, are showing in an incorrect order. Meaning all of my Column titles have switched to a random position instead of being in the first position. It used to work as intended and broke recently. I tried replacing all the fields for table calculations and the problem persists. 


Hoping for a solution soon!

Any movement on this issue Looker?

We’re Experiencing this issue too! Also, note that when we pivot the table calculations that we create end up at the end of our visualization table. But appear in the data tables correctly. A fix on this is needed otherwise a download into excel is the fix. 

Any updates from Looker on this? Also have noticed that when exporting to .csv or Excel, the data is no longer transposed.

Is there a way to export while maintaining the transposed format? 

We definitely need an updated on this!

+1, I found out the bad way that this was happening to the dashboard (e.g. showing it to the management). Please can anyone tell me if there is a fix?

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