Trouble with Null Values Affecting Trend Lines in Looker Explorer

Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 15.55.50.pngI'm having trouble with my visualization that includes a 3-month moving average trend line. It's not displaying correctly when there's no data for a team during the months being viewed. Additionally, in visualizations where we compare two sets of data, if one has null values and the other doesn't, I get this error: "This regression analysis could not produce results. Trend lines cannot be drawn for horizontal lines, try a reference line instead."

Has anyone run into a similar issue or have suggestions on a better way to visualize this data to avoid these problems?

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Hi @Su-sh-1, thanks for your post!

I am wondering if you might want to use a table calculation for the trend line instead? That way you can control how the nulls should be treated - rather than using the visualization's built-in Trendline option. This  Community post about Calculating moving averages gives a good explanation about the difference, and examples. I hope that is helpful!

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