Unable to download complete data from dashboard

I have download without limit permission and I am admin. I am able to download current results, however, unable to download all results.

I was able to download all results till Friday, but unable to download today.

Shows the error message - 

This site can’t be reached

The web page at URL might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

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Hey there,

I would recommend to reach out to support with  that so they can assess better your case, I would add to the case also if there is any delay before that message shows up and how you currently filter those limits.

In any case, some brainstorming of cases that might happen, I would double check the user attributes (if you have any). The user attribute filters apply regardless of user roles.

I would check if there were updates in the access filters and access grants

Try using another export option (CSV/Google Sheets) as some options have limitations and others don't.


I got the same issue, then I download with Advance Options --> Custom 100k rows, then I was able to download 

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