Update Look data source

Is there any way to update a Look data source without needing to create a new Look?

I'm working with two versions of the same dashboard: a developer and a production version.
Each of these dashboards is connected to different data sources.

So, I'm trying to emulate the deploy process, from "developer" version to "production", by copying the dashboard and its looks. However, I need to replace the data source.

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Hi there! I might need a bit more detail about the full workflow but what you can do is actually write a script to do this for you via the API or via Lookers API explorer

Another thing you would want to make sure of is that the datasource you are moving to has all the same fields, data types etc as the original one you are moving from. 

Hi Amanda!

In order to ensure quality of embedded dashboards delivery, I'm trying to create a deployment process (similar to git-flow), using two project versions: a "developer version" and a "production version".

These Development and Production projects are isolated, connected to different datasets in BigQuery.

Now, I'm trying to reuse the finished work in the development project to production project.
Is there a way to do this?

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