Google colab pro+ - official bid

Hi all.

I am a university student who needs colab pro+ user for my final project. 

I need to make an official bid, with a stamp and a contact salesperson on Google so that my university's procurement staff would be able to buy it. But I can't find any way to do it. 

Does this thing even exists? Or the only way to purchase it is just putting my credit card in the place asked? 

I really need this official bid pdf file for my project. Would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.

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Interesting! Have you already set up a free Colab account @talhershko? You should be able to contact Google through your profile once you establish an account. I will also send you a personal message with a contact that might be able to help! 

Hi Roderick! Thanks for the quick reply. 
Can you please send me a link to setting up a colab account? I don't see how can I set up a free one, as now I just use it free with my gmail account. 
Moreover, can you send ma a link for contacting Google when I'll have an account? 
Thank you in advance. I really appreciate your help.


Hello, I am planning to upgrade to Colab pro+. Don't know what the meaning of this picture is?
If in 1 month I use up 500 computing units, I will get an additional 400 computing units for free, right?

Hi all, I want to purchase additional compute units in Colab Pro+, the page I open still inactive as we can see in the following Screenshot (No way to click on the price). Any idea to fix this issue?Screenshot 2024-05-01 230734.png Thanks