Cloud Ops Suite Monitoring On-Prem VM.

A client of mine wished to monitor both GCP base VM's and On-Prem VM's using Cloud Ops Suite. We successfully installed the logging agent anf configured it to meet our requirements.
But the Monitoring agent is another ball game.
Can it be done ?
How ?

I know about Modera and Prometheus, but I'd rather use the default monitoring agent.


0 3 1,559

Hi there, 

Monitoring on-prem can be supported by "Private Google Access" which means that the "" needs to be enabled from on-prem ( or, then it can be configured to use the interconnect to Google Cloud.

The following documents provide more details. Please check it out:


Hope that helps.


As Far As I can tell all the apis are enabled and we are using a Direct Connection to Google, Not and Internet VPN.

  "kind": "exporter",
  "name": "googlecloud",
  "error": "rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = One or more TimeSeries could not be written: No matching retention policy was found for one or more points.: timeSeries[0,1]\nerror details: name = Unknown  desc = total_point_count:2  errors:{status:{code:9}  point_count:2}",
  "interval": "5.934115365s"


I saw the reference on the support page about error that can be ignored ... I just can't ignore this 😉

I'm not a Networking person, but from the document I referred above, "Private Google Access for on-premises hosts provides a way for on-premises systems to connect to Google APIs and services by routing traffic through a Cloud VPN tunnel or a Cloud Interconnect attachment (VLAN)."

My understanding is that this is (required) how to enable on-prem to connect to Google APIs. Unfortunately I don't have any access to such environment to verify it. I will continue to research to see what else could be helpful in this case. 

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