DomainMapping does not support cluster-locale route

I am getting error "DomainMapping does not support cluster-locale route" by hovering the cursor on the custom domain in the cloud run by anthos. 

Domain works fine since yesterday. GCP made some changes in the cloud run by anthos service but I didn't get this.

Please, any one help me..

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Hi @jatinnaudiyal, sorry to hear you're having trouble with this! This area is for the Cloud Operations suite and doesn't directly handle issues with Cloud Run or Anthos -- you may be able to pose your question in the compute space which handles these topics more directly. You also may want to consider opening a support case if that's an option for you, if this is impacting your services.

Hi @kylebenson , thanks for response. I post it on the compute space. Also, I want to know how can I open a support case for that issue. Can you provide me an answer or any link?

You can open a support case using these instructions, you may need to purchase a support offering if you don't already have one. And here's the support page for you.

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