Error in Gcloud Certificate Manager CLI & GCP API with Regionality and Certificate Map Entries

What are the regional capabilities of Gcloud commands for managing Certificate Maps while certificates themselves can reside in specific regions, it seems certificate maps are currently limited to a global scope. Trying to create a certificate map and certificate map entry for a certificate in specific region (ex:us-east1) but getting an error 


gcloud.certificate-manager.maps.entries.create) INVALID_ARGUMENT: Malformed name: 'projects/xzzz-zzz-zzz-zzz/locations/us-east1/certificateMaps/map-test/certificateMapEntries/entry2'
- '@type':
  - description: Invalid location in resource URL path
    field: projects/venafi-gcp-driver-integrations/locations/us-east1/certificateMaps/test-map/certificateMapEntries/entry2


 Current Behavior:

  • gcloud certificate-manager maps commands operate on a global level.
  • The --location flag, while present in the CLI, doesn't seem to function for regional management of certificate maps.

Desired Functionality:

We'd like to understand the intended behavior of the --location flag and if future plans exist to introduce regional support for certificate maps. Ideally, we'd like to:

  • Create certificate maps associated with a specific region (e.g., us-east1).
  • Create certificate map entries that reference certificates residing in a specific region.


  1. Please clarify the intended functionality of the --location flag for certificate maps.
  2. If regional support for certificate maps is not currently available, is there a planned timeline for its implementation?

Additional Information:

  • We understand that certificates themselves can have a regional scope.
  • We've verified we have the necessary permissions (e.g., Certificate Manager Owner role) for global management.
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Certificate Maps are only available in global location currently. Regional Certificates should be specified directly on TargetHttpsProxy as a list.

Please refer to this tutorial for more details: