GCP cloud Trace -: Missing Span ID

I have a spring boot Application for which I want to use Google Cloud Traces to view the Distributed Traces for the Application on Running the Application locally the Cloud Trace is working fine also note that I am not passing X-Cloud-Trace-context as Header and I am able to see the full Response.
But problem starts when my application runs on GKE and I get the traces with Missing Span ID. 
and when I pass the header X-Cloud-Trace-context in the API the Missing span id error is not showing.

Is it because of GKE or I need to forcefully pass the Header In order to resolve this issue?


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please suggest any solution anyone


Hello community, would appreciate anyone sharing how they solved this problem. We're having the same experience.

This issue is been addressed by Google Cloud and fixed you need to wait for the updated release. Below is the fix.


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