Google Play Console Api Access

Hello Guys,

I purchased a mobile app for my community and I have a problem setting up my Developer Account.


The steps are simple:

1. Create Google Play Account

2. Create app

3. Go to API Access and link google cloud project

4. Create new service account

5. Bla bla bla...


I have the following problem at steps 3 and 4.

I go to Google Cloud Platform and create a new project under my organisation. Then I go back to GPC and try to link the project I just created but it doesn't show anything. OK. Let's try creating one from GPC. I create from there, then i go and create new service account, but the Project created by GPC is not under my organisation in Google Cloud Platform and I can't edit it or change the name of it.

Can you please guide me into the right direction because I don't even know what i'm doing wrong 🙂


Basically I want to see the projects under my organisation in the dropdown select from API Access > Link Existing Project.


Thank you,

- Victor

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