I can't access private storage especially for google playstore report data

I already created a service account and invite the service account to new user in play store console. The access is read financial data and everything related to that. 
After i tried to connect it programmatically using python, the return is always error.does not have storage.bucket.get access to the Google Cloud Storage bucket. Permission storage.bucket.get denied on resource (or it may not exist)

I have following every steps that is provided in the documentation, but still has no idea to solve this error. I'll appreciate a lot for anyone that can help me get through this

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Hi @IrwanDharmawan 

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

You're encountering an error message indicating insufficient permissions to access a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket. It could be due to the following reasons:

  • Permissions are missing. The service account you're using lacks the required permission (storage.buckets.get) to access the bucket.
  • The storage bucket does not exist. The bucket name you're referencing might be misspelled or the bucket itself might not exist.

You need to verify permissions. Check the IAM permissions assigned to the service account. It needs a role with the storage.buckets.get permission or the broader roles/storage.admin role for full access.

Make sure that the storage bucket exists. Double-check the bucket name for any typos. Use the GCP Console or the gsutil ls command to list your buckets and confirm the bucket exists.

If the bucket is located in a different project, grant IAM permissions to the service account on the project where the bucket is located. Otherwise, create a new bucket using the GCP Console or the gsutil mb command in the project where the service account already has permissions.

Here are some additional Google Cloud documentation on IAM permissions resources that might be helpful.

I hope this information is helpful.

If you need further assistance, you can always file a case with our support team.

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