Unable to SSH into GCP Instance Despite Passing Troubleshooting Steps

Good morning, all.

I'm a Google Cloud Engine user facing a strange SSH access issue with a specific project.

Some months back, we changed our Google Workspace primary domain.

This also resulted in changing the admin email address and the subsequent result on GCP resources.

When I visited a project I have used for over 5 years, I got this:



Troubleshooting info:
  Principal: myemail[at]domain(dot)com
  Resource: hg-****atlanta
  Troubleshooting URL: console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/troubleshooter;permissions=compute.instances.list;principal=myemail[at]domain(dot)com;resources=%2F%2Fcloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com%2Fprojects%2Fhg-****atlanta/result

Missing permissions:


The email address being used has "Owner" and "Org Admin" privileges.

So far, I haven't had any trouble accessing other projects except for a project created after the email change:



  "protoPayload": {
    "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.audit.AuditLog",
    "status": {},
    "authenticationInfo": {
      "principalEmail": "myemail[at]domain(dot)com",
      "principalSubject": "user:myemail[at]domain(dot)com"
    "requestMetadata": {
      "callerIp": "89.**.4.***",
      "callerSuppliedUserAgent": "google-api-go-client/0.5 Terraform/1.8.1 (+https://www.terraform.io) Terraform-Plugin-SDK/2.33.0 terraform-provider-google/5.26.0,gzip(gfe)",
      "requestAttributes": {},
      "destinationAttributes": {}
        "permissionType": "ADMIN_WRITE"
      --- truncated ---



SSH access via local machine, Cloud shell, instance console simply refused to work even with "22" and:



sourceRanges: [
0: ""


Project SSH and local machine keys are inserted and OK.

Running a test resulted in:



Starting ssh troubleshooting for instance https://compute.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/customers****zxm/zones/us-central1-f/instances/$instance-2 in zone us-central1-f
Start time: 2024-05-23 00:41:40.896302

---- Checking network connectivity ----
The Network Management API is needed to check the VM's network connectivity.

Is it OK to enable it and check the VM's network connectivity? (Y/n)?  y

Enabling service [networkmanagement.googleapis.com] on project [customers****zxm]...
Your source IP address is 35.***.***.***

Network Connectivity Test Result: REACHABLE

To view complete details of this test, see https://console.cloud.google.com/net-intelligence/connectivity/tests/details/ssh-troubleshoot-7t07i?project=customers****zxm

Help for connectivity tests:

---- Checking user permissions ----
User permissions: 0 issue(s) found.

---- Checking VPC settings ----
VPC settings: 0 issue(s) found.

---- Checking VM status ----
The Monitoring API is needed to check the VM's Status.

Is it OK to enable it and check the VM's Status? (Y/n)?  y

Enabling service [monitoring.googleapis.com] on project [customers****zxm]...
VM status: 0 issue(s) found.

---- Checking VM boot status ----
VM boot: 0 issue(s) found.


This has happened twice with the first instance "$instance-1" instantiated on 2024-05-12 but deleted due to the same issue.

Then happening again with this VM "$instance-2".

  • VM starts up successfully with no boot issues using the right service account
  • have verified that SSH access to the instance is not blocked by a firewall.
  • have ascertained that the root volume is not out of disk space as there is nothing yet installed
  • have ascertained that the instance has not run out of memory.
  • persistent SSH Keys metadata for gcloud is set for both the project and instance.
  • have reset Cloud Shell

Has any wise mind ever encountered an issue like this?

And if yes, what troubleshooting sequence led to a resolution?

I do not want to delete the project and restart the creation from scratch so would be deeply grateful for any tip and/or insight that could lead to a resolution.

Thank you.

P/S: Using the wrong label as Compute is not available in the list provided.


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Hi @headsup 

Welcome to Google Cloud Community!

The error "Missing permissions: compute.instances.list" indicates you lack the necessary authorization to view a list of Compute Engine instances within your project. 

Steps to verify IAM permissions:

  • Go to the Google Cloud Console and navigate to the IAM & Admin section.
  • In the left panel, select the project containing your Compute Engine instance.
  • Check the IAM permissions assigned to your user account (the email address you're using).

If you don't have the required permissions, you'll need to be granted access by someone with the "Owner" or "Editor" role on the project. These roles allow viewing a list of instances.

You can also use the Policy Troubleshooter to troubleshoot access to a resource. Policy Troubleshooter for IAM helps you understand why a user doesn't have access to a resource.

You can also refer to this document on how to troubleshoot SSH connectivity issues.

I hope this information is helpful.

If you need further assistance, you can always file a case with our support team. So that they can review your project and VM settings and determine the cause of the issue.

Hello @LeAnt 

While we appreciate the input, if you look at the troubleshooting steps so far and the privileges that the said account has, you will agree that these have nothing to do with the issue. 

The issue is Google Workspace and Google Cloud which only Google can resolve.