Url public doesn't work for public users

Hello everybody,

I come to you to solve a mystery.

Attached is a copy of the Bucket.


As of this monday's morning, it has been impossible for public users, other than the owner of the Bucket, to have access to the public URL of the objects they are registering (until last week everything was working).

As you can see, the permissions are the same between users and owners.
However, only the latter has access to the public URL.

Public user
Public user.png


How you can also see, restriction againt public access is not appliqued to the Bucket, project or orgnaisation.
And the permission "Orgpolicy.policy.get" is given to allusers


image (1).pngimage (2).png


Thank you by advance for your help.
0 1 987

Hi , 

Are you getting any error ?Do you have any change/s in your configuration before the issue happened?

At the same time please have a look to link[1] that describes a similar case that can be helpful.
