Which Google Cloud certification is best for me 2021?

Recently I've completed my graduation and kind of cloud thing took my interest at first sight. I want to be effective at using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in a real-world role and to do that I've read to that I need few Google cloud certifications. I am more interested in being Cloud Engineer and to see myself at that level, I'm confused which kind of Google Cloud certification will be best suitable for me. Will be highly appreciated If some expert can suggest me about that.

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Hi @sarfaraz1235 -- congrats on graduating and it's great to hear you're interested in learning more about Google Cloud. I'm not sure what your career goals are but in the software landscape, having some level of familiarity with cloud principles can be handy. 

We actually provide some guidance on which certification to select on our Certification Site, I'd encourage you to take a look there! 

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Hi @sarfaraz1235 -- congrats on graduating and it's great to hear you're interested in learning more about Google Cloud. I'm not sure what your career goals are but in the software landscape, having some level of familiarity with cloud principles can be handy. 

We actually provide some guidance on which certification to select on our Certification Site, I'd encourage you to take a look there! 

Hi @sarfaraz1235 


I would recommend you to go with associate level certification:-



For free hands on labs:-



Foundation course on coursera:-




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