"Re-doing" the labs

Hi, I have been participating in GCloud challenges for a long time but pointed out a thing recently. Sometimes the lab from a certain challenge gets repeated in other challenges, e.g in the Retail challenge there are some labs which were included in other challenges in past Arcade events or in any one of the games of January (Red, Green, Yellow, Blue) but I have definitely done that lab in the past. Ex - The lab "HTTPS Content-Based Load Balancer with Terraform"

I can guarantee that I have done that lab previously in any of the challenges which I can't exactly recall.

So my request/query is , is it possible to mark those labs as 'already completed' for those who have done those labs in any kind of event in the past ? As the labs are the same, we are not learning anything new, but if those labs somehow get buggy, then an entire badge will go out of hand....

@emily927 @carrie 




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