Arrays from clickhouse to Looker

Hi there,

I understand that array types stored in clickhouse can not be retrieved in Looker unless converted to string. 

How can Looker transform a string then of the form [a, b, c] to an actual array in order to unnest.

Or to generalize the question how to handle arrays from clickhouse to looker

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Hi there,

I'm not familiar with Clickhouse syntax but I know we can model nested data in BigQuery by using the SQL syntax within a join to model arrays.

I believe we could use a LookML pattern similar to the one outlined in the doc below if we replace the BigQuery specific syntax with Clickhouse SQL functions:

Ive tried the above but because looker doesnt support clickhouse arrays
this doesnt work.
It needs to be stored as a string and I am trying to understand if there is
any lookml way to convert it some how to an array
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