Dimension Groups / Hierarchies for Strings. Like Product Hierarchy, Or Region Hierarchy

How can one implement below in looker?

Let's say we have a sales report, and content is sliced and diced via common  dimension groups:

  • Product Hierarchy: Group, Category, Type, Product
  • Geo: Area,  Continent, Country, Region, City


  1. How to make these dimension appear together in the explore?
  2. Any ways to re-use it across the explores? No matter if we calculate, revenues, costs or some other metrics - these hierarchies are the same. How not to have it to retype it. 
  3. How have multi-drill sets? Maybe one user wants to drill to the measure by Product Hierarchy, And another - by Geo. 


Basically  how to have similar funtionality with sting 

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Hello @Dovile ,
Thank you for your interest in Looker.

Answering your questions below based on my current understanding,

  1. Use group_label (more info here) to have multiple dimensions appear together in an Explore
  2. Yes, any Explores using those metrics will keep the same group label settings
  3. To have drill fields that include a dimension (ex by product Hierarchy), you just need to include it within your view or field "drill_field" parameter (more info here) and you'll see the grouping option whenever your visual include a dimension which is not a date (example attached below)Screenshot 2024-06-18 4.34.03 PM.png
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