Having different hidden states for the same dimension in different explores

Hi there,

I am trying to 'hide' (hidden: yes) a dimension in one explore, but have it visible in another.

I am aware of the below solutions, but I am looking for a solution that maintains the integrity of drilldowns and does not require the duplication of dimensions and does not require the creation of new view files. Is there such a solution? 

1. Specify the dimension in the fields [] parameter in the model file. 
=> This does not work as it will also remove the dimension from the drilldowns in the explore where I have not included the dimension in the fields [] parameter

2. Duplicate the dimension and create a hidden version.
=> Not great practice for maintaining a clean code base

3. Use the 'Extends' parameter to reuse a view and overwrite/amend dimensions
=> Again, this will result in a messy code base with lots of view files. 

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Hi there, there isn't a one size fits all answer here but based on what you've described, we would recommend going with option 2. It'll give you what you need with minimal code bloat. As you find these types of use cases expanding, you may want to consider moving to strategy #3, but that's probably not worth setting up unless there are many fields that need special treatment. You can also look for this feature request and add your +1.

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