Problem triggering Cloud Functions with Looker Actions

Hello everyone,

I spent the last two days trying to figure out how to trigger a Cloud Function from Looker.
I have a simple action written in LookML:

dimension: profile_id {
primary_key: yes
type: string
sql: ${TABLE}.Profile_ID ;;
action: {
label: ""
url: ""
param: {
name: "Profile_ID"
value: "{{ value }}"
form_param: {
name: "updated_value"
type: string
label: ""

This action should trigger a Cloud Function, which updates a table on BigQuery according to the parameters.

The problem is that when I execute the Action from the Looker dashboard, I receive the error “The form was not accepted”.

Following this post, I added the Cloud Functions Invoker permission to the service account I’m using in Looker, with no results.

I think it could be a problem of authentication. Note indeed that for security reason I can’t allow unauthenticated access to the Cloud Function. However, I can’t find any way to authenticate the Looker Action.

P.S.: in the logs of the Cloud Function there is nothing: no errors, no messages.

Thanks for your help.

0 3 1,790

Hi @mattia_mancasso, Unfortunately the link you provided doesn't work anymore. Could you explain what you've done to fix this ? 🙂

Thanks ! 

I'm trying to send email via SendGrid from Looker dimension (the way it is implemented here ).
After I submit the form I receive the same  error: “The form was not accepted”. Any advice?

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