Detecting links and files in the rule


How can I detects suspicious links and files that been sending outside of my domain? 


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Hi Mai9,

Here are some suggestions:

  • Ensure you are ingesting your email logs
  • Create rules that look for emails sent to external domains(they don't match your approved domains)
  • Implement rules to identify emails containing potentially malicious URLs(examples: check against known malicious lists, utilize url reputation services, suspicious patterns, etc.)
  • Implement rules to flag emails with potentially harmful attachments(file type filtering, file reputation scores, content analysis)
  • Enrich Alerts with things like sender reputation, recipient info, url/file analysis data
  • Fine tune your alert with thresholds to balance sensitivity and utilize allow/deny listing to reduce noise

Please find an example SIEM rule below:

ALERT WHEN email_sent TO external_domain AND ( url_in_email MATCHES threat_intel_url_list OR url_in_email HAS reputation_score > threshold OR attachment_in_email MATCHES threat_intel_file_hash_list OR attachment_in_email HAS reputation_score > threshold OR attachment_in_email MATCHES risky_file_type )

By carefully designing your SIEM alerts, you can create a proactive defense against suspicious emails and protect your organization from potential threats.