Using Report Builder to Debrief Executives - Keep it Simple

The MSV Report Builder is a powerful analytics tool. It is easy to get carried away with all the widgets available after running a campaign of attack simulations and emulations when crafting an Executive Debrief Report . A Debrief should be "brief" but also stick to a set of simple principles. In this case less is more for those who are charged with making risk decisions.  The report template should include a text section to record the analysis and just enough data widgets (graphs, charts, tables) to back up and color the analysis. The analysis itself should be recorded in "your" words using concise sections like : Objective, Scope,  Performance Analysis, Key Issues (good & bad), Potential Solutions and/or Next Steps. Using a debrief process that simply presents fair and concise information to  those in charge of risk will help empower them to make decisions in the best interest of your data assets.

Example Debrief Report


For Details on how to create  and manage custom reports in Report Builder refer our documentation:


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