DIASTER 6-1226000036769

New Member

Dear Justin,

I'm writing to you in hope to solve our continuing unexplainable disaster with being stripped of Google Merchant for the last month for some not clear bureaucratic reasons. Our case number is 
6-1226000036769 and we have a homeopathic and vitamin supplement dispensary in Sydney Australia, quite popular and we have been helping many people with advice and our products. Suddenly after months of good trading on Google Merchant we received a request to upload our certificates again and after some mistake when we tried to upload the updated certificate we came across a brick wall - just plain refusal to let us upload our document. Simultaneously all our ads were stopped and sales paralyzed , our IT have been trying incessantly to contact the Google team and communicate our problem and solve it and all in vain - no solution. In the meantime we have been losing thousands of dollars in missed sales and the large stock I purchased in our ""good Google days" has been out of date (mostly perishable products) in the warehouse. We really need your help since all the problem as we understand it is to upload the  updated documents and the situation is that someone in either unable or even deliberately blocking it.
Please help us !
Kindest Regards
Dr. Vitaly Pertsis,  B Pharm, MSc, AACP, CDE, PhD
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