Is there a free workplace account for developers?

We use Google Workplace API in our app and we need to test different features. Is there a free workplace account for developers? We used free trial but it expires and now we have to pay for each users in our test environment... 

1 9 2,938

@Bladerunner the only situation I know of beyond NPO/EDU licensing that is available for "free" is if you have a production workspace instance, you might qualify for a development instance of Workspace at 1 for 1 licensing at no additional fee.  Contact a reseller for more information. -KAM

If you need to test GW API features, you can use a free Gmail account... If the feature you're working on is intended to work in paid accounts, then, you need to pay for an account.

Not sure if we're still doing it, but if you qualify for and join the Partner Advantage program ( you can request a developer domain through that program. 

@sbazyl @davidsalomon @KAM

Thanks for your replies. It seems strange to me that Google has no a developer access to workplace. Microsoft offers dev access to Office365 free of charge and surprisingly provides good support. We have bought 2 accounts that we use once or twice a month. 

Kind regards,



Yes, seems to be Microsoft more open towards development of Office 365 suite compared to Google. Any idea if this is on Google's roadmap

Similar comments as the above. It seems silly that devs/IT admins can't fully explore the product suite without purchase. It also inhibits dev's abilities to test and create gsuite apps.

Something we're looking at. Customers can get a demo/sandbox domain (ask sales) provisioned for development, testing out policy changes, etc.

Non-customer developers currently need to go through the partner program. Completely agree the process is not at all developer friendly and we can do better here.

Hi @sbazyl ,

What do you mean by "customers can get a demo/sandbox domain (ask sales) provisioned for development" and "Non-customer developers currently need to go through the partner program"?

  • As a reseller, am I considered a "customer"?
  • How can I get a demo/sandbox domain for testing purposes?
  • If I should contact sales, which form/number should I use for this topic? I tried it already with the normal Google support, but this was no help at all.
  • The approach via the "partner program", would this apply to already established resellers?

I don't need to have any fancy domain, a random dev domain would be fine.
I would appreciate being able to create a free developer Workspace account with a preferred SKU, so I can test and explorer the system.

@sbazyl See and ask your partner manager for the "Demo Domain Sandbox Toolkitfor Google Workspace and Cloud Identity".

As for the domain, you can use a subdomain.  From my notes, the requirements for the domain are:
The domain MUST contain "dev.", "demo.", or "test." followed by the production domain. Example:

The demo domain may not contain "Google".

Hope this helps, KAM

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