Hello Team,

This is regarding the case reference number# 51376114. 

I am in need to recover some data which was in my google drive from 11th May 2023 to 19th May 2023. It might have been deleted after 19th May 2023 but I am sure that the data was in the drive in between these two dates. 

I am aware that it is really difficult to recover these old files but I am in really need of this data. I will be highly obliged you could please help me to recover this data. Please support on this. 

Thanks & regards


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In Google Workspace, it’s not possible to recover data more than 25 days after it is deleted from the user’s Trash. See for the details, so if the data was deleted a year ago, it’s not retrievable.

(This site is a community site for Google Workspace administrators around the globe. We don’t have any access within Google to do anything with their systems.)

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news,


Hello Ian,

Thanks for your email.
Is there any way I can discuss with google within to help me retrieve this
old data?
I really need the data.

Best regards,


@ENTELLUS You already have a case # so you are already talking to Google.  Was this on a Google Workspace account?  If so, have you explored if you have Vault and can recover the data that way?

Otherwise, I do not want to mislead you.  I give the chances of you getting data deleted a year ago no chance of occurring.  Google has data destruction policies too to follow.  HTH, KAM

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