Nominations and Elections

HL7 International holds annual elections to fill positions on the board of directors and technical steering committee. Materials for nominations will be available on May 1. Information on elections will be available when elections open on July 1. 

During nomination and election periods, a table will identify positions being elected, indicate who can submit a vote and provide a link to each election site. Please note that you must be signed onto the website with your username/password to see the links to the election sites.

Elections Resources will be available during the annual election period, the 'No Documents Available' message appears when we're outside of the election period.


If you experience any issue voting, please reach out to and I will promptly communicate with you and address any issues.

The following table identifies the positions being elected this year, indicates who can submit a vote, and provides a link to each election site. Please note that you must be signed onto the website with your username/password to see the links to the election sites.

Position Who Can Submit Votes Link to Submit Votes
HL7 Chair Elect All current individual members and the designated voting representatives of current organizational and Affiliate members.
HL7 Secretary All current individual members and the designated voting representatives of organizational and Affiliate members.
HL7 Directors (2 positions) All current individual members and the designated voting representatives of current organizational members.
HL7 Affiliate Director (2 positions) Affiliate chairs
International Council Co-Chairs (2 positions) Affiliate chairs
TSC Working Group Representative (2 positions) Work Group Co-chairs on behalf of a WG. Each Work Group may vote for 2. One co-chair from each Work Group should submit the Work Group's voted on choices.
TSC Implementer Representative (1 position) Current individual members and the designated voting representatives of current organizational members.
Affiliate Representative to the TSC (1 position) Each Affiliate is entitled to cast its size-determined number of votes.
Work Group Co-Chairs Current individual members and the designated voting representatives of current organizational members, and non-voting employees of organizational members who were subscribed to the relevant listserv by April 24, 2024. Elections shall be conducted via Election Runner. Watch your email box on July 1 for your invitation to vote. Check your junk or clutter box if have not received an invite to vote by midday on July 1.

This is an automated process and to be recognized as an eligible voter by Election Runner, you must be subscribed to the list with the default email address associated with your membership. If you have subscribed to the lists using another email address, Election Runner will not have recognized you as an eligible voter. If you feel you are eligible to vote in an WG co-chair election but have not received an invite, please contact Linda Jenkins at

Co-chair candidate's statements and a list of nominees are available at: Elections | HL7 International


The nomination and election schedule is as follows:

May 1 - June 15 45-day nomination period
June 16 - 30 Final slate prepared by the Leadership Development and Nomination Committee
Nominee profiles loaded to the election site
July 1 - 31 30-day election period
August 7 - 21 2-week run-off election (if needed)
September 25 Results announced at the Annual Business Meeting
There shall be no solicitations for nomination or subsequent campaigning conducted on any HL7-managed electronic communications. Any such activity shall be cause for disqualification.

As noted above, the Nomination Packet is available from each of the links above. This packet contains forms that each Nominee must complete and submit before the June 15, 2024, deadline.

To assist with the nomination period, below are positions up for nomination/election and a statement indicating whether the individual currently holding the position is eligible for re-election:

2024 Board Positions up for Nomination/Election:
  • Chair Elect - no one currently in this role.
  • Secretary - position currently held by Virginia Lorenzi, who is not eligible for re-election to this position.
  • HL7 Director - positions currently held by Lenel James, who is not eligible to be re-elected to this position, and Ken Rubin, who is eligible for re-election.
  • HL7 Affiliate Director - positions currently held by Line Saele and Ron Parker, both of whom are eligible for re-election.
2024 TSC Positions up for Nomination/Election:
  • Implementer Rep - position currently held by James Agnew, who is eligible for re-election
  • International Affiliate Rep - position held by Christof Gessner, who is not eligible for re-election
  • 3 Work Group Reps - positions held by Brian Pech and Juliet Rubini, both of whom are eligible for re-election, and Gora Datta, who is not eligible for re-election
International Council Positions up for Nomination/Election:
  • Co-Chairs - positions currently held by Fernando Campos and Line Saele, both of whom are eligible for re-election.

Work Group Co-Chair Positions up for Nomination/Election: