Donald Trump

“The world witnessed undeniable video proof of God at work,” read one pamphlet at the Republican National Convention.
It's not quite the populism his fans may have had in mind.
Immigrants are not the drug-smuggling, ruthless killers that the Trump GOP describes.
The former president delivered a 92-minute address, dispelling the myth that he was a changed man following his assassination attempt.
Insiders told reporters that one word would not be used in the former president's speech. It was — twice.
“What is it with guys who went from hardcore Trump critics to subservient Trump toadies growing beards?” asked the “Late Night” comedian.
“It just went on and on and on in terms of falsehood just like the speech went on and on and on itself,” said Daniel Dale, highlighting one of the “wildest” claims.
The CNN commentator talked about the energy at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.
The "Late Show" host issued a blunt reminder following the conclusion of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.