IEEE TA Vision & Mission Statements

ta strategic plan

One Page downloadable overview of TA Vision, Mission, and Goals


Technical Activities Vision

Technical communities working together to be the preferred home for all professionals, worldwide.


Technical Activities Mission

Inspire and engage worldwide technical communities to:

  • Foster dynamic interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Motivate participation and leadership
  • Nurture and promote leading-edge innovative ideas
  • Empower professionals with relevant knowledge and lifelong development
  • Provide value


Technical Activities Goals

  • 2020 Formal Document of Vision, Mission and Goals
  • Grow and keep our current publications, conferences, standards, and technology communities at the forefront of quality and usefulness for engineers worldwide while expanding the value proposition for our product lines
  • Revise, modify and create new relevant content in publications and conferences to satisfy all member needs, especially the industry and government engineering community 
  • Create a transparent financial and governance organization that allocates financial accounting (gross revenues, direct and fair allocated indirect expenses) to the IP generation unit and assigns direct/clear organization governance (authority, responsibility and accountability) to S/Cs

TAB Statement on Racial Injustice

At the 21 November 2020 Technical Activities Board Meeting, board members deliberated on a statement regarding racial injustice, and the following TAB motion was approved: "True to the IEEE Code of Ethics, IEEE TAB stands with those who advocate decisively for racial justice, equality, and against brutality."

Societies and Technical Councils

IEEE Societies and Technical Councils produce over 220 publications and sponsor, co-sponsor, and technically sponsor over 2,000 conferences each year all around the world. Their members take advantage of opportunities to network with other professionals and stay technically current within their fields of interest.

An IEEE Society is a membership community within IEEE representing a specific field of interest, while Technical Councils consist of a group of Societies that share similar fields of interest.

View the full list of IEEE Societies

View the full list of IEEE Technical Councils

Technical Communities

IEEE Technical Activities is home to a growing number of Technical Communities, each responsible for fostering new and emerging technologies.

View the full list of IEEE Technical Communities

IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB)

The IEEE Technical Activities Board is the governing body of IEEE Technical Activities and is the largest of six major boards within IEEE. There are 63 voting members, which include Presidents of all 46 Societies and Technical Councils, as well as officers, Division Directors (who also sit on the Board of Directors), and chairs of key TAB committees.

Learn more about the IEEE Technical Activities Board and its committees

Contact IEEE Technical Activities volunteers and staff

Resources for Technical Activities Volunteers

IEEE TAB Hall of Honor Recognition

Many IEEE members have made enormous contributions to the success of IEEE Technical Activities (TA) over the years. Now, the IEEE Technical Activities Board is giving IEEE members a chance to recognize such colleagues through the new IEEE TAB Hall of Honor Recognition.