Featured Stories

Global Engineering Days: the heartbeat of Intuit’s innovation culture

More than 7,000 technologists join biannual week-long code-a-thon to turn aspirations into innovative solutions for 100 million consumer and small…

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AI in 2024: Intuit Leaders on Possibilities and Pitfalls

As the new year kicks off, several of Intuit’s technology leaders share their predictions on the state of AI over…

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11 things we’ve learned about using AI together

While some companies are struggling to upskill their workforce, Intuit is staying a step ahead by equipping employees with AI…

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Global Engineering Days 2023 – a week on the road to beautiful code

Nearly 5,000 technologists from across Intuit, Mailchimp, and Credit Karma participated in Global Engineering Days (GED) last month.

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Intuit Assist

Introducing Intuit Assist

The Generative AI-Powered Financial Assistant for Small Businesses and Consumers

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Intuit Named to FIDO Alliance Board in Recognition of Passwordless Authentication Standards Leadership

Intuit’s deep expertise in building secure, convenient, and flexible identity verification and authentication capabilities will help advance FIDO’s mission to…

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Multiple photos of small business owners over a blue/green gradient background

AI can help UK small businesses grow and do more

For over 5 years, Intuit has been driving AI innovation to help small businesses solve their most important problems.

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A group of Indian technology professionals collaborate around a laptop in a corporate office.

How Intuit is “democratizing” AI-driven product development

We’re building and deploying machine learning models in weeks versus months to accelerate personalized AI at scale for consumers and…

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