ASG National

ASG National

Professional Training and Coaching

Los Angeles, CA 9,286 followers

The one-stop shop for the best opportunities in the industry.

About us

An amazing group of the absolute BEST opportunity sourcing gurus in the marketplace.

Professional Training and Coaching
Company size
2-10 employees
Los Angeles, CA
Privately Held


Employees at ASG National


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    "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy." These words, spoken by the renowned author and minister Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, encapsulate the essence of self-belief. They remind us that the cornerstone of success and happiness lies within us. It's not about arrogance or inflated ego; it's about having a humble but reasonable confidence in what we can achieve. In every challenge we face, in every goal we set, self-belief is the fuel that propels us forward. When we trust in our abilities, we unlock a reservoir of potential and resilience. We become unstoppable. At ASG National, we understand the power of self-belief. Our mission is to empower individuals and organizations to reach their fullest potential. We believe that confidence, when paired with humility and diligence, creates a powerful force for success. This belief is at the heart of everything we do, from our innovative solutions to our commitment to personal and professional growth. Let’s take a moment to reflect on how self-belief has played a role in our own journeys. Think about a time when you doubted yourself, but pushed through and achieved something remarkable. That success wasn't just about skill or luck—it was about having faith in your abilities. As we continue to grow and thrive together at ASG National, let’s remember to cultivate and nurture this confidence. Encourage it in yourselves, and in your colleagues. Let's create an environment where everyone feels empowered to believe in their capabilities and to strive for greatness. In conclusion, let’s embrace Dr. Peale's wisdom and make it a part of our daily lives. By believing in ourselves and our abilities, we can achieve extraordinary things, both individually and as a collective.

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    Job searching can often feel like a daunting and overwhelming task. With countless applications, numerous follow-ups, and a myriad of networking opportunities, it’s easy to lose track of your progress and feel disorganized. However, staying organized throughout your job search is crucial for maintaining momentum and achieving success. Today, I want to share some effective tips and strategies to help you stay organized and focused on your path to landing your dream job. By implementing these tips and strategies, you can stay organized and increase your chances of success in your job search. Remember, the journey to finding the right job is a process, and staying organized will help you navigate it with confidence and clarity. Stay focused, stay positive, and keep moving forward.

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    Growth is not always measured by how far er have to go, but by how far we have to come. Each step forward, every challenge overcome, has shaped us into the person we are today. There were moments when the path seemed daunting, when the destination felt out of reach. Yet, with perseverance and determination, we pushed forward. We embraced the lesson of adversity and found strength in the face of uncertainty. May we stand, not as someone who has reached the pinnacle of success, but as someone who understands the value of progress. We still have a long way to go, but we also must take pride in how far we've come. Every setback has been a stepping stone, every achievement a testament of resilience. Let us remember that the journey of life is no just about reaching a destination, but about the transformation that occurs along the way. May we always embrace each challenge with bravery, celebrate every wins — big or small, and continue moving forward with courage and conviction.

    • I still have a long way to go. But I'm already so far from where I used to be.
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    Imagine an artist painting a picture. Every stroke of brush, every color chosen, reflects who they are. In the same way, everything we do at work is like painting a picture of ourselves. Each task we complete, each challenge we overcome, and each project we finish shows are skills, dedication, and character. When we put our hearts into our work, we create something truly remarkable. It's like signing our name on a beautiful masterpiece. People will look at it and say, "This is excellent work, and shows who this person is." But why is it so important to strive for excellence? Because it inspires others. When we do our best, we set an example for those around us. We show them that hard work and dedication can lead to amazing results. It creates a culture of excellence that motivates everyone to do their best. Moreover, excellence brings pride and satisfaction. Knowing that we have given our best effort makes us feel accomplished and fulfilled. It boosts our confidence and encourages us to keep pushing ourselves to greater heights. So, how can we autograph our work with excellence? Here are some steps: 1. Passion: Love what you do. When you're passionate about your work, it shoes in the quality of what you produce. 2. Dedication: Be committed. Put in the effort and time required to do the job well, even when it's challenging. 3. Attention to Detail: Pay attention to the little things. Excellence often lies in the details, so make sure to dot your i's and cross you t's. 4. Continuous Improvement: Always look for ways to improve. Learn from your mistakes and strive to be better every day. 5. Integrity: Be honest and ethical in all you do. Excellence is built on foundation of trust and respect. Remember, each job opportunity is an opportunity to create a self-portrait. Make sure that every stroke we paint is done with care and pride. Let's autograph our work with excellence, leaving behind a legacy that reflects the best of who we are.

    • Every job is a self portrait of the  person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence.
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    In our fast-paced world, we often seek quick fixes and instant results. We are drawn to grand gestures and monumental achievements, believing they are markers of success and strength. However, true strength, the kind that endures and sustains us, is not built overnight. It is forged in the quiet moments of everyday life, through the small, consistent acts of discipline that we choose to embrace. Consider the athlete who wakes up at the crack of dawn every day to train, the writer who dedicates a few hours each morning to their craft, or the entrepreneur who makes it a habit to learn something new every day. These individuals understand that their achievements are not the result of a single, extraordinary effort but the cumulative effect of countless, ordinary ones. Small acts of daily discipline are the building blocks of our character. They teach us the value of perseverance, the important of commitment, and the power of consistency. When we make a habit of doing what needs to be done, even when we don't feel like it, we develop a resilience that prepares us to face greater challenges. Imagine a gardener tending to a young tree. Every day, they water it, protect it from pests, and ensure it gets enough sunlight. At first, the changes are almost imperceptible. But over time, the tree grows stronger roots, a sturdy trunk, and lush foliage. It becomes a reflection to the gardener's unwavering care and dedication. Similarly, our small, disciplined actions are like drops of water nourishing the tree of our potential. They may seem insignificant in isolation, but over time, they accumulate, leading to substantial growth and transformation. So, we encourage you all to embrace the power of small acts of discipline. Identify the habits that align with your goals and values, and commit to them daily. Whether it's setting aside time for self-improvement, prioritizing your health, or nurturing your relationships, remember that each small step you take is a step towards becoming the best version of yourself. In conclusion, let us not underestimate the impact of our daily choices. By embracing discipline in the little things, we build a foundation of strength that will support us through life's greatest challenges. As Ophelia Filek reminds us, the foundation of a strong self truly comes from small acts of daily discipline.

    • “The foundation of a strong self comes from small acts of daily discipline.” 

― Ophelia Filek
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    Mistakes are an essential part of our journey towards growth and success. They are: Expected: Because striving for greatness inevitably involves taking risks and pushing boundaries. Respected: Because they teach us valuable lessons and shape our character. Inspected: Because through reflection and analysis, we gain deeper insights into ourselves and our endeavors. Corrected: Because they provide opportunities for improvement and innovation. Remember, every mistake is a stepping stone on the path to achievement. Embrace them, learn from them, and let them propel you forward toward your goals.

    • Mistakes are...
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    We must remember that our lives are defined not by the destination we reach, but by the paths we choose to get there. Each of us has embarked on a unique journey filled with challenges, triumphs, setbacks, and successes. It is in these moments that our true character is revealed and our resilience tested. The road we travel is ours and ours alone. It is a path shaped by our dreams, aspirations, and the choices we make each day. Along the way, we may find companions who walk beside us, offering support, encouragement, and shared experiences. Cherish these connections, for they enrich our journey and remind us that we are never truly alone. Yet, let us also acknowledge that no one can walk this road fro us. The decisions we make, the actions we take, and the determination we exhibit are what propel us forward toward our goals. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth, and dare to push beyond perceived limits. In times of doubt, remember the strength that resides within you. Draw inspiration from your passions, your beliefs, and the vision you hold for a better tomorrow. With perseverance and courage, there is no obstacle too great to overcome, no dream too ambitious to achieve.

    • It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.
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    We stand at the threshold of possibility, where the power of our minds holds the key to every journey we embark upon. Danny Stone once said, "Every physical response, every psychological change, and every mental transformation starts with the mind." These words resonate deeply because they remind is of the immerse potential that lies within each of us. In our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the significance of our thoughts. Yet, our minds are the architects of our reality. They shape our perceptions, guide our actions, and determine our outcomes. Whether we aspire to conquer a personal goal, overcome adversity, or inspire others, it all begins within the confines of our own minds. Think of a time when a single thought sparked a chain reaction of actions. Consider moments when a shift in perspective unlocked newfound courage or creativity. These are not mere coincidences but manifestations of the incredible power of our minds. However, this power comes with responsibility. We must nurture our minds with positivity, resilience, and determination. By doing so, we cultivate a fertile ground where dreams take root and aspirations flourish. Today, I challenge each of you to harness the full potential of your mind. Believe in your ability to achieve greatness, embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and inspire others with your unwavering spirit. Let us embark on this journey together, knowing that every physical response, every psychological change, and every mental transformation begins and thrives within the vast landscape of our minds.

    • Every physical response, every psychological change and every mental transformation starts with the mind.
~ Danny Stone
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    Believe in yourself, because within you lies an incredible power that surpasses any obstacle. Every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth and discovery. Trust in your abilities, embrace your uniqueness, and know that your potential knows no bounds. With determination and courage, you can conquer anything that comes your way. Believe in the strength of your dreams, and let that inner greatness shine through. Remember, the journey may be tough, but the rewards are immeasurable. Keep pushing forward, because greatness awaits those who believe in themselves.

    • Believe in yourself and all the you are KNOW THAT THERE IS SOMETHING INSIDE YOU that is greater than any obstacles

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