Direct Sponsored Content

Last updated: 2 months ago

Direct Sponsored Content ads are Sponsored Content ads that are created in Campaign Manager. Sponsored Content is a collection of ad formats that includes posts sponsored from your LinkedIn Page and ads created in Campaign Manager.

When you create Direct Sponsored Content, it won’t appear as an organic post on your LinkedIn Page but can display when members use the Ads filter on your Page.

Direct Sponsored Content ads can be helpful when you need to:
  • Create variations of ads to test how your audience engages with varying ad elements, such as text, images, or calls-to-action.
  • Create content that's specific to your target audience, such as the member's location or profession.

  • Track visits to a specific page on your website using third-party tracking, such as URL parameters.

To create Direct Sponsored Content, you need permission on both the ad account and LinkedIn Page.

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