Budget and bid metrics definitions in Campaign Manager

Last updated: 4 months ago

Select Budget and Bid as a column view from the reporting dashboard or when exporting a report to view metrics about your campaigns’ budget, average daily spend, and bid.

The budget and bid metrics for a campaign are:

  • Total Budget - The maximum amount that will be spent for your campaign.

  • Average Daily Spend - The average amount spent on your campaign in a single day.

  • Daily Budget - The maximum amount you want to spend per day.

  • Bid - The amount you bid for this campaign.

  • Start Date - The date your campaign started.

  • End Date - The date your campaign ended.

Important to know

Your campaign will begin running at 12:00 AM UTC on your start date. If you schedule an end date, your campaign will end at 11:59 PM UTC on your end date. If you schedule your campaign to start later, your campaign will begin running at 12:01 AM UTC on your start date. If you schedule an end date, your campaign will end at midnight UTC on your end date.

Other metrics available for your ad campaign include:

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