Create campaign groups

Last updated: 4 months ago

As an advertiser, you can create a new campaign group from the Campaign groups tab in Campaign Manager. When you create a new campaign group, you can set a status, schedule, or total budget for the group which act as limits for all the campaigns placed in that group. After you create a campaign group, you can select it when you create a new campaign to organize related campaigns together. If needed, you can edit the campaign group settings, including the name, status, schedule, or total budget. 

Who can use this feature?

You need campaign manager access or higher on an ad account to create new campaign groups. 

To create a new campaign group:
  1. Sign in to Campaign Manager.

  2. If you need to switch accounts, click the account name in the upper-left corner of the page and select the correct account name from the dropdown.

  3. On the Campaign groups tab, click the Create button and select Campaign Group from the dropdown.

    On the Campaign Groups tab, click the Create  button, then select Campaign Group from the dropdown.
  4. On the Create Campaign Group page, enter a campaign group name. The name is only visible in Campaign Manager.

  5. From the Status dropdown, select Active or Draft

    • Active - Campaigns placed in your campaign group can start displaying ad impressions immediately, depending on the start date of the campaign group and campaign.
    • Draft - Campaigns can be placed in the campaign group but won’t start displaying impressions until the campaign group has been activated. 
  6. Under Group Objective, select one objective for all campaigns in the campaign group. By selecting a single objective for all campaigns, you can take advantage of Dynamic Group Budget.

    • The Group Objective toggle is turned on by default. Turning off Group Objective means that your campaigns won’t benefit from budget optimization.
    Group Objectives
  7. Under Group Budget & Schedule, turn on the Budget Optimization toggle to automatically and continuously find optimal auction opportunities for your campaign group’s objective.

    • Once you turn on Budget Optimization, you can set a daily or lifetime budget and select the required bidding strategy. Maximum delivery is the default and recommended bidding strategy. 
    • If Budget Optimization is not turned on, the campaigns in your campaign group won’t have budget optimization applied to them.
  8. Under Schedule, select your preferred option: 

    • Run continuously from a start date – This option is available when you set a daily budget. Campaigns in your campaign group will start displaying ad impressions on the start date provided.
    • Set a start and end date – This option is available for both the daily and lifetime budget options. Campaigns in your campaign group will start displaying ad impressions on the start date provided and will stop displaying ad impressions on the end date provided.
    • Set a start and end date with a budget – This option is only available when Dynamic Group Budget is not turned on. Campaigns in your campaign group will start displaying ad impressions on the start date provided. Campaigns in the campaign group stop displaying ad impressions when either the end date or total budget are reached, whichever happens first. 
  9. Click Create to create the new campaign group and go to the Campaign groups tab. 

  10. Click Create & use in new campaign to create the new campaign group and go to the first step of creating a new campaign.

Important to know

After your campaign group is launched, you cannot turn off Dynamic Group Budget or change the campaign group objective. 

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