Sponsored Content Viewability Measurement

Last updated: 4 months ago
In March 2018, we changed the way that views or impressions of Sponsored Content are measured to help you better understand how many times LinkedIn members are likely to have seen your ad.

As of March 2018, we record an impression in your LinkedIn Campaign Manager reporting whenever your Sponsored Content ad is at least 50% in view on a device screen or browser window for at least one second on desktop or 300 milliseconds on mobile.

This measurement change does not impact the frequency with which your ads are shown, the number of people who are able to see your ads, or engagement with your content in the news feed.
However, this measurement change means that LinkedIn will only record an impression in campaign reporting when an ad is in view based on this standard.
You may notice that your campaigns record fewer impressions in their reporting compared to their historical average. It's also possible that campaign click-through rate (the number of clicks on ads divided by the number of ad impressions) will appear higher than your historical average, because there will be a decrease in the typical number of impressions per campaign.
Please visit our Ad Tips page for guidance about how to improve your campaign budget delivery and campaign performance.
Note: For Sponsored Content ads shown on the LinkedIn Audience Network, an impression is counted when the ad renders on the partner’s page. Learn more about reporting for the LinkedIn Audience Network.

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