Legacy Campaigns - Overview

Last updated: 1 year ago
We’ve introduced new advertising objectives into Campaign Manager. Campaigns created under the old Campaign Manager experience will now be known as legacy campaigns.
The experience is optimized to generate better results. We recommend you use the new objectives to create your ad campaigns, rather than duplicating or reactivating old legacy campaigns. Learn more about the new Objective-Based Advertising experience in Campaign Manager.
Previous Campaigns will be labeled Legacy in Campaign Manager once you’ve ramped to the new experience.
If you duplicate or reactivate a legacy campaign, it will be created or reactivated under the old objectives.
Changes to pricing and optimization for legacy campaigns
The chart below summarizes the optimization and chargeable clicks for both legacy and new objectives. If you choose to reactivate or duplicate legacy campaigns, they will be optimized and charged according to legacy objectives. If you create new objective-based campaigns, they will be optimized and charged according to the new objectives. Learn more about objective-based pricing for LinkedIn advertising.
Legacy Objectives New Objectives
Old Objective +Optimization chosen You'll be charged for Corresponding New Objective Default optimization (for auto-bid + max CPC) You'll be charged for
Website visits Impressions Impressions Brand Awareness Impressions Impressions
Website visits All Clicks Clicks (Landing page, LinkedIn Page, LinkedIn Page follows) Website visits Landing page clicks Landing page (clicks to destination URL only)
Website visits Conversions (w/eCPC as default) Clicks (Landing page, LinkedIn Page, LinkedIn Page follows) Website Conversions Conversions Destination Clicks (clicks to destination URL only)
Engagement Impressions Impressions Engagement Impressions Impressions
Engagement Clicks Clicks (Landing page, LinkedIn Page, LinkedIn Page follows) Engagement Landing page clicks Engagement (Landing page clicks, LinkedIn Page, LinkedIn Page follows, social actions)
Engagement Conversions (w/eCPC as default) Clicks (Landing page, LinkedIn Page, LinkedIn Page follows) Website Conversions Conversions Engagements (Landing page clicks, LinkedIn Page, LinkedIn Page follow, social actions)
  • Any old campaigns with a Follow Company button will automatically be created under the Engagement objective.
  • The Talent Leads objective works similar to the Website visits objective.

Learn more about duplicating a legacy campaign.

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