Impact of Apple's Tracking Frameworks on LinkedIn ad campaigns

Last updated: 5 months ago

Apple has changed the way it handles tracking and privacy with its App Tracking Transparency (ATT) and Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) frameworks.

These changes might have a limited impact on LinkedIn ad campaigns. 

App Tracking Transparency (ATT)

With the App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework, all iOS users are automatically opted out of ad tracking. Many iOS apps will then prompt users to manually opt into sharing their Identifier for Advertiser (IDFA) and information with each app. This can decrease the reachable iOS audience identified with IDFA.

Keep in mind that LinkedIn no longer collects IDFA, so we won’t prompt members to opt into sharing this information on LinkedIn.

Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP)

Apple’s Safari web browser and iOS use Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) to limit third-party cookie tracking. Offsite tracking capabilities are blocked by default.

Impacted LinkedIn ad campaign features and our recommendations for advertisers

The following campaign features might be impacted by Apple's tracking frameworks:

  • Conversion Tracking - When conversions can’t be attributed to individual members, group-level attribution or estimation might be used. We strongly recommend setting up the LinkedIn Insight Tag and enabling enhanced conversion tracking to use first-party cookies:

    • If you currently use the site-wide image pixel, switch to the site-wide Insight Tag.
    • If you currently use the event-specific image pixel, switch to the event-specific Insight Tag.
  • LinkedIn Audience Network - There will be gradual shifts in delivery across our Audience Network placements. Reach might be underestimated while frequency and estimated cost per result (eCPR) might be overestimated for LAN-enabled campaigns—in some cases significantly. For campaigns that currently enable the LinkedIn Audience Network, we recommend monitoring performance as these changes occur.

  • Matched Audiences - Marketers leveraging IDFA for their Matched Audiences data might see a reduction in matched IDs resulting in smaller target audience sizes.

  • Website Retargeting - The reduced ability to reach full website retargeting audiences might result in smaller audience sizes. For greater scale, we recommend complementing website retargeting with other forms of retargeting like video views, Lead Gen Forms, Pages, or Events.

  • Demographic Reporting - We sometimes use predictive AI models to measure ad performance. Attributes reported through these models might be a subset of the total original member attributes.

All other LinkedIn Marketing Solutions products and features will see little to no impact from the ATT and ITP frameworks.

Customers and partners should comply with applicable law and contractual obligations when providing any personal data to LinkedIn, including obligations to obtain user consent where applicable.

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