Tagged in “Manage Campaigns”

45 articles
  • AI-generated ads in Campaign Manager

    Manage Accelerate Campaigns, Manage Campaigns, and Single Image Ads

    When you create single image ads in Campaign Manager, you can use AI to quickly generate your ads. The AI features available for creating single image ads vary depending on the type of campaign you’re creating: Accelerate or Classic.  …

  • Create single image ads for Classic campaigns in Campaign Manager

    Create Ads, Single Image Ads, and Manage Campaigns

    Single image ads are a type of Sponsored Content that displays in the LinkedIn feed of members in a targeted audience. You can create single image ads directly in Campaign Manager or select posts from your LinkedIn Page to sponsor.  …

  • Create an A/B test using the placement variable in Campaign Manager

    A/B Testing and Manage Campaigns

    Create an A/B test using the placement variable to test two campaigns with different ad placements. For example, you can show your ads on the LinkedIn Audience Network for only one of your campaigns in the A/B test. To maximize result reliability…

  • Create an A/B test using the audience variable in Campaign Manager

    A/B Testing and Manage Campaigns

    Create an A/B test using the audience variable to test two campaigns with different target audiences. To maximize result reliability, an A/B test and a Brand Lift test can't run simultaneously in the same account. This A/B test only applies to…

  • Create an A/B test using the ad variable in Campaign Manager

    A/B Testing and Manage Campaigns

    Create an A/B test using the ad variable to test two campaigns with different ad formats or ad content, such as copy or media assets. To maximize result reliability, an A/B test and a Brand Lift test can't run simultaneously in the same account…

  • A/B Testing

    A/B Testing, Manage Accelerate Campaigns, and Manage Campaigns

    As an advertiser, it’s important to achieve maximum value and return on investment (ROI) for your ad campaigns, understand what resonates with your audience, and optimize your campaigns based on statistically significant data. You can achieve this…

  • A/B test results

    A/B Testing, Manage Campaigns, and Manage Accelerate Campaigns

    Your A/B test results provide in-depth information about your test status. For example, you can check your chosen test metric, P-value, and confirm the winning campaign.A/B Testing supports both Classic and Accelerate campaign types, which means you…

  • Edit a Classic campaign

    Manage Campaigns and Campaign Bid and Budget

    After you’ve created a Classic campaign, you can edit the campaign’s settings such as the audience, placement, or ads in the campaign. You can’t change the objective or ad format after a campaign has been launched.  To edit campaign details:…

  • Create a Classic campaign in Campaign Manager

    Manage Campaigns

    You can display ads to your target audiences by creating advertising campaigns in Campaign Manager. When you create a campaign, you’ll select from various settings to:  After choosing your campaign settings, you’ll create or select ads, review…

  • Set a frequency cap for your ad campaign

    Optimize Campaigns and Manage Campaigns

    As an advertiser, ad frequency is important for building long-term memory and brand awareness with your target audience. Frequency is the number of times a member account has been shown your ad campaign within a certain time period. To set a…

  • Frequency cap management

    Manage Campaigns and Optimize Campaigns

    As an advertiser, ad frequency is important for building long-term memory and brand awareness with your target audience. Frequency is the number of times a member account has been shown your ad campaign within a certain time period. How frequency…

  • Preview your ad for a Classic campaign in Campaign Manager

    Edit and Manage Ads and Manage Campaigns

    You can preview your ads for Classic campaigns in Campaign Manager after you’ve saved ads to a campaign. The preview is a representation of the information you entered such as the text, image, and URL. Previews are available in…

  • Duplicate Direct Sponsored Content ads for a Classic campaign

    Create Ads, Edit and Manage Ads, and Manage Campaigns

    You can duplicate Direct Sponsored Content ads for Classic campaigns to create variations of ads. When you duplicate Direct Sponsored Content, you can edit the landing page URL, featured image, headline, and description before saving the duplicate…

  • Edit Direct Sponsored Content ads for Classic campaigns

    Edit and Manage Ads and Manage Campaigns

    Direct Sponsored Content ads are Sponsored Content ad formats created directly in Campaign Manager. You can edit Direct Sponsored Content ads by editing your campaigns. You'll need ad account and LinkedIn Page permissions to edit Direct Sponsored…

  • Duplicate Classic campaigns in Campaign Manager

    Manage Campaigns

    You can duplicate an existing Classic campaign to quickly create a new campaign with the same settings and ads. When you duplicate a Classic campaign, you can choose which ad account the new campaign is in and which ads to keep in the new campaign…

  • Set up Conversion Tracking for Insight Tag conversions

    Conversion Tracking and Manage Campaigns

    You can use Insight Tag conversions, also known as online conversions, to track conversions that happen on your website. For example, a member clicks on an ad that leads to your website and then fills out a form for a demo request. Insight Tag…

  • Add conversions to existing Classic campaigns

    Conversion Tracking and Manage Campaigns

    After creating a new conversion, you can add it to an existing campaign to measure conversions for your ads. Conversions can’t be reported for ads displayed before the conversion was added to the campaign. To add conversions to existing Classic…

  • Save a new Saved Audience when creating a Classic campaign

    Audience Templates and Asset Copying and Manage Campaigns

    Saved Audiences is a feature that allows you to build and save a custom audience using attributes like job title or industry. You can also create a Saved Audience by using an existing Matched Audience and modifying it with member attributes. …

  • Use AND-OR targeting to set up your LinkedIn Ads audience

    Target Audience and Manage Campaigns

    LinkedIn’s targeting allows you to customize your audience size. Using AND-OR logic helps further refine your targeting criteria by leveraging audience segments or audience attributes to select or exclude member accounts from your audience. For…

  • Use forecasted results to learn more about your audiences FAQs

    Target Audience and Manage Campaigns

    As you set up targeting for your Classic campaigns, you can discover more about your audiences using the Forecasted Results window on the right of the campaign creation page. Below Target Audience Size, you can click Show segments to get more…

  • Best practices for LinkedIn Ads audience targeting

    Target Audience and Manage Campaigns

    Learn tips for setting up your campaign’s target audience to drive results. The right target audience allows you to focus your campaign on the LinkedIn members most likely to take action on your ads. Learn moreExplore our free, 45-minute learning…

  • Targeting options for LinkedIn Ads

    Target Audience and Manage Campaigns

    Get your message in front of the right people when they’re most engaged by targeting your ideal audience with LinkedIn advertising. Choose targeting options from:Locations  Audience attributes such as company, job experience, education…

  • Set up campaign targeting for Classic campaigns

    Target Audience and Manage Campaigns

    When you create a new Classic campaign in Campaign Manager, you'll be prompted to select your audience. You can use an existing audience or create a new audience. Existing audiences include: Saved Audiences - Audiences you've created and saved to…

  • Set a budget, schedule, and bid for your Classic ad campaign

    Campaign Bid and Budget and Manage Campaigns

    When you create a Classic campaign in Campaign Manager, you can set your budget, schedule, and bid, giving you control over your campaign spending. You must have account manager or campaign manager permissions on the account to manage these campaign…

  • Key result forecast for Classic ad campaigns in Campaign Manager

    Advertising Objectives and Manage Campaigns

    When creating a new Classic ad campaign, the forecasted results pane is activated on the right side of the Campaign Manager window. The key result that your campaign is optimized for is highlighted by a Key Result icon. The key result for your…

  • Forecasted results for Classic ad campaigns in Campaign Manager

    Optimize Campaigns and Manage Campaigns

    When you create a new Classic ad campaign, the forecasted results pane automatically generates expected campaign performance details in real time as you walk through the campaign process and select various campaign settings.To calculate the forecast…

  • Cancel an A/B test

    A/B Testing, Manage Campaigns, and Manage Accelerate Campaigns

    You can cancel your A/B test in Campaign Manager after it’s been launched. Once canceled, your A/B test can't be restarted.A/B Testing supports both Classic and Accelerate campaign types, which means you can test a Classic campaign against an…

  • Pause an A/B test

    A/B Testing, Manage Campaigns, and Manage Accelerate Campaigns

    You can pause your A/B test in Campaign Manager after it’s been launched. Pausing an A/B test for longer than one week might harm the statistical validity of your test.A/B Testing supports both Classic and Accelerate campaign types, which means…

  • Edit an A/B test

    A/B Testing, Manage Campaigns, and Manage Accelerate Campaigns

    You can edit your A/B test in Campaign Manager after it’s been launched. For more conclusive test results, once an A/B test has been launched, we recommend that you make minimal updates during the test other than updating the test name…

  • View A/B test results

    A/B Testing, Manage Campaigns, and Manage Accelerate Campaigns

    View your A/B test results in Campaign Manager. An A/B test needs to run for a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 90 days.A/B Testing supports both Classic and Accelerate campaign types, which means you can test a Classic campaign against an…

  • Search for an A/B test

    A/B Testing, Manage Campaigns, and Manage Accelerate Campaigns

    You can search for an A/B test in Campaign Manager to check the test's status or view results. An A/B test must run for a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 90 days.A/B Testing supports both Classic and Accelerate campaign types, which means you…

  • A/B Testing best practices

    A/B Testing, Manage Campaigns, and Manage Accelerate Campaigns

    As an advertiser, it’s important to achieve maximum value and return on investment (ROI) for your ad campaigns, understand what resonates with your audience, and optimize your campaigns based on statistically significant data. You can achieve this…

  • Create an A/B test to compare Classic and Accelerate campaigns

    Manage Accelerate Campaigns, Manage Campaigns, and A/B Testing

    When creating a Classic lead generation or website visits campaign, you'll have an opportunity to create an A/B test to compare performance to LinkedIn's AI-powered Accelerate campaign. A/B Testing supports both Classic and Accelerate campaign types…

  • Campaign status definitions in Campaign Manager

    Manage Campaigns

    You can check the status of your campaign to help determine if your ads can be displayed to members of your target audience. For an ad to be displayed, the campaign group status, campaign status, and ad status must be active. Related tasks…

  • Pause a campaign in Campaign Manager

    Manage Campaigns

    You can pause a campaign by adjusting its status in Campaign Manager. To pause a campaign: Related tasks Archive campaign groups, campaigns, and ads Reactivate a campaign in Campaign Manager Learn more Campaign status definitions in Campaign…

  • Reactivate a campaign in Campaign Manager

    Manage Campaigns

    Campaign Manager allows you to save time by reactivating completed campaigns. A campaign’s status switches to Completed when the campaign reaches its lifetime budget or end date. This functionality helps you continue running campaigns that have…

  • Archive campaign groups, campaigns, and ads

    Manage Campaigns, Edit and Manage Ads, and Manage Ad Accounts

    You can archive campaign groups, campaigns, and ads to filter them from your view in Campaign Manager. Related tasks Delete campaign groups Edit campaign groups  Delete a campaign Edit campaigns in Campaign Manager Delete a LinkedIn Ad Sign…

  • Bulk actions to create or edit campaign groups

    Manage Campaigns

    Advertisers can use the bulk import CSV template to create new campaign groups and edit existing campaign group settings in bulk. The following options are available: Related tasksDownload a CSV template to create campaign groups in bulkImport a CSV…

  • Download a CSV template to create campaign groups in bulk

    Manage Campaigns

    As an advertiser, you can use the bulk import CSV template to create new campaign groups and edit existing campaign group settings in bulk. To do so, you must download the CSV template, complete the fields and import the file to Campaign Manager. To…

  • View bulk import status in Campaign Manager

    Manage Campaigns

    You can view the status of each bulk import CSV file you upload from the Bulk Imports page for your account. To get to your Bulk Imports page for your campaign groups: Results: The following table provides the import status for each bulk import…

  • Import a CSV template file into Campaign Manager

    Manage Campaigns

    Once you’ve created or edited your campaign group settings in the bulk import template, you must import the CSV file into Campaign Manager. To import a CSV file: Related tasksDownload a CSV template to create campaign groups in bulkView bulk import…