From the course: Accounting Foundations: Understanding the GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

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A glimpse into FASB

A glimpse into FASB

- So here's the deal. The work of the standard-setting bodies is voluminous, and learning US GAAP and standards can be quite overwhelming. So let's put our arms around this and feel more in control by taking a look at the FASB website. If you have two monitors, open the website on the other one, and follow along with me. Let's visit the FASB website by going to your favorite browser and typing in FASB's homepage will come up and look similar to this. Please note that the FASB updates their homepage regularly so it may not look exactly like mine, but that's okay. We're used to being agile with homepage changes. Notice how this homepage is organized into Standards, Projects, Meetings, Reference Library, News & Media, More About FASB, and How To Stay Connected. Explore each of these sub-pages when you have a chance. We are going to focus on the Standards page. Notice that within this page, you have a lot of great…
