From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

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Crop pages

Crop pages

- [Instructor] Here we have a PDF of a business card, but you can see that it appears in the middle of a letter sized piece of paper. Well, virtual paper, but this is definitely not something we want to share with others in its current state. So let's take a look at how to crop PDFs. I'm going to add the marquee zoom tool back to my toolbar. I go into toolbar items, show and select zoom tools, and select it here. And with the selected, I can draw a rectangle around the business card, and make it that much larger. Now let's go over to edit PDF, and here at the top, we can select a crop pages. Now I can drag a rectangle around the area I want to keep. Now it's not really possible to be completely precise here, but we just need to get a general size, and then we can work with numeric values. Now, after you draw the crop area, you need to press enter or return in your keyboard that opens up this window,…
