From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

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Export images

Export images

- [Instructor] You may occasionally find yourself in a situation where you need to use an image from a PDF in another file. Again, with few exceptions, it's almost always better to go back to the original images, but the reality is you won't always have access to those original images, files get lost or deleted all the time. Fortunately, you can export the images in a PDF as individual files. Start by coming over here to the tools, and choosing export PDF. This is an area from which you can export the PDF in a variety of formats. Earlier, we saw how to export a PDF in Microsoft office formats, and this is another way you can do that. But what I'm interested in here is exporting the images. Now, if I just leave images selected here, it will export each page of the PDF as an image file, if that's what you want. Great. But if you actually want to export the individual images in the PDF as individual…
