From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

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Find text

Find text

- [Instructor] If you need to quickly locate occurrences of a word or phrase in a PDF, the tool for that is up here in the toolbar. It's appropriately named the find text tool. It looks like a magnifying glass, and you can also activate it with the keyboard shortcut of Command + F on the Mac or Control + F on Windows. So clicking the button or using the keyboard command opens up this find area here to the right. So let's say I'm looking for the word employee. Now, as I type, I can see a list of exact matches and how many there are. When I click next, it starts highlighting all the instances of that word in the document. And I can cycle through them by continuing to click next. You can see that they're all highlighted as I go through here. So it works similarly to the find command in many word processing programs. Now we also have the settings icon here, which gives us access to some additional options for how Acrobat…
