From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

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Insert pages

Insert pages

- [Instructor] There may be times when you'll need to add more pages to your PDF. For example, you may have a chart or a graph that you need to add to a business report. Or in this example, I have the StyleGuide PDF open, and I need to add a cover to it. The cover has been supplied to me as a separate PDF, which you can see here. And we can easily add the cover to this PDF in Acrobat using one of two methods. The first method involves opening up the Navigation pane. And for me, I'll make sure the page thumbnails are selected. And at the top of the panel, I'll click this menu and select Insert Pages, From File. I'll browse for the cover file. And I'll select it. Here I can choose if I want to insert this page before or after whichever page I have selected down here. You can choose the first page, the last page or any other page. Whichever page you're currently looking at when you choose to insert pages will be…
