From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

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Manage and summarize comments

Manage and summarize comments - Adobe Acrobat Tutorial

From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

Manage and summarize comments

- [Instructor] We've seen how to combine comments from multiple reviewers into a single PDF, so you can keep track of everyone's comments and suggestions in one place. But Acrobat also offers further features that can make it even more convenient and easy to manage and act on the comments from your reviewers, especially if you have a long document with lots of comments from lots of reviewers. So here we have our newsletter and the comments pane is currently open, where we can see the comments and click on them to see the part of the document they're referencing. Now, we have some useful tools here, like this funnel icon, which allows us to filter the comments that are displayed here. For example, if I just want to see the comments that were left by Sam Dailey, I can select their name, click Apply, (mouse clicking) and there they are. And then, I can come back up to the Filter (mouse clicking) and click Clear All to see…
