From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

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Restrict editing and printing

Restrict editing and printing - Adobe Acrobat Tutorial

From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

Restrict editing and printing

- [Narrator] Acrobat offers a number of ways to protect the content of your pdf documents. For example, I want to protect this document by preventing anyone from editing the text, and I also want to make it so that the text can't be copied and pasted elsewhere. To do so we come over here to the right to find the protect tool, (clicks button) and that gives us these tools at the top of the window. Now we do have one up here labeled; protect using password. This option lets you set a password that you can use to either prevent anyone from viewing the document without the password or you can prevent anyone from editing the document without the password. But it's actually possible to apply both security measures, but not from here, I'm going to cancel this. (clicks button) Instead I'm going to choose advanced options, encrypt with password, (clicks button) it asks me to confirm that I want to change the security of this document.…
