From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

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Split a document

Split a document

- [Instructor] Acrobat can automatically split a single PDF into multiple PDFs. This can be useful in a number of situations. For example, if you need to send a large PDF by email to a client, but their email server only allows attachments of say under three megabytes, you can have Acrobat split the document into parts that are under three megabytes each. Or if you have a long PDF that has bookmarks for each section, you can have Acrobat split each section into its own PDF in cases where you may only need to send part of the larger document to others. So for example, with this document open, I'm going to go to file, properties and here under the description tab, I can see that the file size is a little over five megabytes. I'll click cancel to close this and let's open the organized pages tool again. Here at the top, I'm going to choose split. And this allows us to make a selection from the split by menu. I could…
