From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

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Use Acrobat mobile

Use Acrobat mobile

- {Instructor] Previously, we took a look at how Acrobat can convert an image of scan text into searchable or even editable text, but not a lot of people have scanners these days. So how do you get a paper document into Acrobat? Well, if you don't have a scanner, chances are you have a smartphone and using the mobile Adobe Scan app, using your phone's camera. Just search for Adobe Scan on the Apple App Store or on the Google Play Store if you have an Android device. I already have it installed here on my iPhone, so let's start it up. That opens up the camera and here at the bottom, I can select the type of document I'm scanning. I'll leave documents selected, and I have a receipt sitting here on my desk, so all I have to do is pick up my phone and put my camera at that receipt which you can see here, and the Adobe Scan app will automatically try to find the borders of the paper to give me a good non distorted scan, and…
