From the course: Acrobat DC Essential Training

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Use Advanced Search

Use Advanced Search

- [Instructor] As we previously saw Acrobat's Find Feature is limited to just searching through a single document and stepping through the occurrences of the word or phrase you're looking for in a linear fashion. But if you want to search through multiple PDFs at once, you can use the Advanced Search Feature. I don't currently have any documents open in Acrobat, but that's not a problem if I need to search multiple documents. I just need to come up to the Edit menu. And from here, choose Advanced Search. And that opens this panel to the left. At the top, you can specify what you want to search. You can search the current document that's open, but that's basically the fine command that we looked at earlier. To search multiple documents, select all PDF documents in, and then you can select any of these locations in the menu below. Or you can select browse for location to specify another folder containing the PDFs you want to…
